Thursday, September 18, 2008


There is an old saying over here at Barnard/Columbia. It is called "TGIT", or "Thank Goodness It's Thursday". People say this because nobody has classes here on Fridays, so Thursday night is party night.
Not for me, though.
I am at our campus cafe drinking steamed milk. Steamed SKIM milk.
You can imagine how upset I am.
Here's the plus, though. I got a bbsitting job, tomorrow, and will have a fresh batch of $50 by the time it's over.

Let me tell you about all of my classes--I rock them.
Except that I was late for Hindi today because it was in a different building and I couldn't find it. Which was embarrassing, but I made up for it--I made hindi vocab flash cards, and I can read practically any word in hindi, and quite a few in sanskrit.

Also, CompSci boy is cuter than ever.