This was the soccer field the kids played at when I was babysitting Saturday. The parks are ridiculously beautiful right now.
Little girl I babysit took this picture.
Also this one.
Linda and Joanie. We are at a hookah bar so that Joanie can show off her belly-dancing skills, and Linda can show off her Arabic/Egyptian-speaking skills, and I can show off my baklava-eating skills.
Me and Joanie. This photo looks like it was very well planned but actually it was the only way we could both squeeze into the picture. We had a very cramped little corner table, which we only managed to get in the first place with our various skills. Actually, though, the last time we went to this place, Joanie got up and danced with one of the waiters. They were so impressed that this time they gave us a table even though they were technically not seating anyone, and on our way out one of the managers offered Joanie a paid gig on one of their performance nights. It's cool to have awesome friends.
BAKLAVA! We ate the cherries before anyone could take a picture, or else it would be even prettier. But really, who puts cherries and whipped cream on the same plate as baklava?
Little boy and girl I babysit at the Morningside duck pond.
Joanie dancing. It was hard to get a good shot because the view through my camera was pitch dark.
Fish we ended up feeding when the duck and goose weren't interested.
Formatting is too hard on this thing, hopefully the juxtaposition will be interesting for all of you and mentally challenging so as to prevent Alzheimer.
1 comment:
Are you going to take Joanie home with you to teach me her skillz and be my BFF? Hope so.
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