Monday, February 23, 2009


Here's the annoying thing: the fact that I am taking symbolic logic is not helping me much in doing the circuit problem assigned in CS this week (which is what Symbolic Logic is all about). Maybe because I am not focused enough right now to do any sort of synthesis or analysis or anything. Monday is not over yet and I'm ready for the weekend. But when am I not?

Saw the Academy Awards yesterday with Karen, Ian, and their fam friends. The highlight was the excellent fondue. The lowlight was the Academy Awards show. Who decided creme-beige chiffon was attractive? Who put the wig on PenCruz's head? Who thought Hugh could sing?
And who allowed Religulous director to plug his own film whilst presenting a documentary award?

I do love Tina Fey, though.

Anna finally got around to uploading photos from Winter Wonderland so I will post those soon. Tomorrow I am going to Radioshack to buy a computer and I will also be purchasing camera accessories so that I can finally upload the photos I have on my camera...
It is funny how quickly time escapes me. Or scary. But not to worry. I am on top of homework which is the only thing that matters to me this semestre. That and finding decent housing for next year.

Sorry this blog is boring, but it is about my life. I will try to spice it up with fictional events next time.
Love you!


lara said...

a) total agreement on the dress colors and Penelope's hair
b) i thought it was cute how hard hugh was working--i found it touching that he gave it his all
c) tina fey rocked her curves
d) bill mahr was so tacky in mentioning his film!!!
e) tell me the housing scoop

lara said...

p.s.--did you see katie's engagement pics?